演出预告 Performance Preview 点击图片↑ 即可购票 乐季音乐会 “交响协奏之声” Season Concert “The Sound of Sinfonia Concertante” 2023年3月4日19:30 4 th Mar. 2023, 19:30 城市音乐厅·音乐厅 Chengdu City Concert Hall·Concert hall 指挥:张洁敏 ZHANG Jiemin, conductor 双簧管:周旻翔 ZHOU Minxiang, oboe 单簧管:蔡庆 CAI Qing, clarinet 大管:宋世彬 SONG Shibin, bassoon 圆号:胡海晴 HU Haiqing, horn 购票链接 原价:80 / 120 / 180 / 280 / 380 元 双人套 9折 三人套 8.5折 曲目单 The program 沃尔夫冈·阿玛多伊斯·莫扎特: 降E大调交响协奏曲,作品297b号 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Sinfonia Concertante for Oboe, Clarinet, Horn, Bassoon and Orchestra in E-Flat Major, K. 297b I. 快板 Allegro II. 柔板 Adagio III. 变奏曲式的小行板 Andantino con Variazioni 让·西贝柳斯: e小调第一交响曲,作品39号 Jean Sibelius: Symphony No. 1 in E Minor, Op. 39 I. 不太快的行板 Andante ma non troppo - Allegro energico II. 不太慢的行板转广板 Andante ma non troppo - Lento III. 谐谑曲(快板) Scherzo: Allegro IV. 终曲(行板-很快的快板) Finale: Andante-Allegro molto 曲目导赏 Program presentation “交响协奏曲”是十八世纪中叶过渡时期发展起来的最引人注目的音乐体裁之一。这类协奏曲是意大利协奏曲的一个分支,最早出现于十八世纪五十年代早期。在以后的十来年中逐渐流行起来,大约自1770年起就有大量作品问世,盛行了半个世纪之久。虽然这种交响协奏曲采用了混合曲式写作,但是在其鼎盛时期,足以和古典交响曲以及协奏曲在乐坛上平分秋色。原因之一便是十八世纪后半期西欧各国普遍诞生了一群管乐演奏明星,广大音乐爱好者欣赏他们的技艺从不感到厌倦。这些大师们的精湛技艺促进了交响协奏曲的发展。这类协奏曲中,独奏乐器的数量从二件到九件不等,它们之间的配器组合的多样性远远超过大协奏曲独奏部分所能达到的水平。当弦乐器和管乐器同时被使用时,后者往往更胜一筹。 No. 01 沃尔夫冈·阿玛多伊斯·莫扎特: 降E大调交响协奏曲 作品297b号 1777年,莫扎特的音乐创作逐渐成熟,而萨尔茨堡市民在音乐上的平庸趣味以及主教的压制使老莫扎特觉得这个地方已经不合适莫扎特的成长了,他便让儿子出发前去法国巴黎寻找机会。莫扎特9月启程,途径曼海姆时停留了长达五个多月,曼海姆乐派的创作对莫扎特的影响可以在其同期的创作中窥见一二。 在到达巴黎之后,莫扎特得到一位老朋友格里姆男爵的关注,因为男爵的推荐,才使莫扎特得到了勒格罗的邀约。勒格罗作为“神圣音乐会”的指导,他邀请莫扎特为四件管乐器写一首交响协奏曲。莫扎特和曼海姆乐派相约,邀请曼海姆乐派中的几位管乐手来演奏这首交响协奏曲。为了赶上神圣音乐会的演出,莫扎特以最快的速度写作总谱。临近演出,协奏曲的总谱却消失不见了。莫扎特几次询问无果后,便知道自己的曲谱被压下了。直到莫扎特去世后70年,这份乐谱才被发现。 这类乐曲的一个突出的特点是具有丰富的旋律。独奏乐器自成一组,更趋向于表述和发挥其自身的性能,对全奏的旋律发展不多。当交响协奏曲风靡欧洲的许多城市时,曼海姆和巴黎作为这种乐曲创作的重心,许多管乐器的演奏者几乎像神明一样被追捧。但是据史料记载,停留在曼海姆的五个月,莫扎特并未涉及这方面的创作。而是到了巴黎后,相应的邀约才追踵而至。虽然在其去世70年后,发现了这部交响协奏曲的印刷品和唱片,但是在这些史料里面,独奏乐器已经不再是莫扎特为那些友人乐手写作的乐器,而是用双簧管和单簧管代替了长笛和双簧管。虽然依旧是三个乐章的形式,但是关于其是否是莫扎特的原作,仍是学术界争论的问题之一。 No. 02 让·西贝柳斯: e小调第一交响曲 作品39号 让·西贝柳斯是芬兰音乐重要的代表人物,民族主义音乐和浪漫主义音乐晚期的作曲家。他的音乐作品体裁多样,题材广泛,他的创作涉及交响曲、小提琴协奏曲、钢琴曲、歌曲等多种音乐体裁。西贝柳斯被誉为“芬兰民族音乐之魂”,芬兰孕育了西贝柳斯,西贝柳斯定义了芬兰,为芬兰音乐开创了一个新的时代。他的一生共创作了7首交响曲,这首e小调第一交响曲创作于1899年,同年这部作品在芬兰首都赫尔辛基进行了首演,由作曲家本人担任指挥。西贝柳斯是一个拥有爱国情怀和社会责任感的作曲家,他巧妙地运用音乐去表达和抒发感情,他渴望通过音乐去鼓舞和激励芬兰人为了祖国的主权和独立去奋斗。在当时,作曲家在遭遇沙俄的压迫下,写下了这部交响曲。《第一交响曲》中融合了浪漫主义时期的创作手法,并且在其中融入了民族主义乐派的音乐元素,整部作品共四个乐章,还带有一个篇幅长大的引子。在这部作品中,作曲家通过音乐表达了他对沙俄统治下的芬兰前途的担忧,他的幻想、忧郁和渴望,在音乐中转换为明朗激动和幽暗无力的情绪对比,如泣如诉着作曲家的心声。 在整部作品中,引子的动机贯穿各乐章,作品中各乐章对主题材料音型、节奏型等因素进行了发展。引子部分的持续音还贯穿在交响曲的各乐章中,因为作曲家使用持续音的时间较长,从而达到了整部作品连绵不断的音响效果。第一乐章采用了带有引子的奏鸣曲式,并且在这个奏鸣曲式中,引子部分格外庞大。第二乐章中采用了具有回归曲式特点的复杂化回旋曲式,这个乐章充满了怀旧的美感,极富抒情意味,又带有一些民谣风格。第三乐章是极为狂热粗犷的谐谑曲,是一个快板乐章,采用了复三部曲式写作而成。在末乐章中,作曲家在曲谱上标记了“幻想曲风”,使用了奏鸣曲式,采用了行板的速度。这首交响曲是属于西贝柳斯的声音,在当时那种特殊的历史环境下,这部作品也勇敢地传达出了属于芬兰人民的呼声。 艺术家简介 Artists introduction 指挥:张洁敏 ZHANG Jiemin, conductor 向上滑动阅览 ——首位在意大利威尼斯凤凰歌剧院和拿坡里圣卡罗歌剧院指挥歌剧的女指挥 ——首位和意大利国家电视台RAI合作录制歌剧DVD在全球发行的中国指挥家 ——曾任世界级指挥大师祖宾·梅塔、米歇尔·普拉松的助理指挥 张洁敏,上海交响乐团驻团指挥,合作过的乐团和歌剧院有:威尼斯凤凰歌剧院,拿波里圣卡洛歌剧院,卡塔尼亚歌剧院,萨来诺歌剧院,罗马交响乐团,马德里交响乐团,图卢兹国家交响乐团,伊斯坦布尔国家交响乐图,爱乐乐团,上海歌剧院,广州交响乐团,深圳交响乐团,杭州爱乐乐团等等。 张洁敏拥有极其丰富的在欧洲指挥歌剧的经验,尤其是在“歌剧之乡”意大利,这些经历为她今日在歌剧和交响乐方面的卓越成就奠定了基础。2021年获得意大利政府颁发的意大利之星骑士勋章之指挥官勋章。 1997到1999年期间,她在拉托维亚国家歌剧院指挥歌剧《卡门》、《波西米亚人》和《图兰朵》。1997年起她作为著名指挥家祖宾梅塔的助理指挥,在意大利佛罗伦萨歌剧院工作,并作为大师的助理参加了佛罗伦萨歌剧院在北京故宫的普契尼歌剧《图兰朵》演出。2001年,受到法国指挥家米歇尔普拉松的邀请,在法国图卢兹国家交响乐团担任助理指挥。2006年,在威尼斯凤凰歌剧院指挥威尼斯狂欢节闭幕音乐会,并指挥该歌剧院乐队在多个意大利音乐节巡回演出。2007年在西班牙马德里指挥威尔第歌剧《茶花女》,并于同年在威尼斯凤凰歌剧院指挥了新的歌剧制作普契尼的《图兰朵》,在意大利拿波里圣卡罗歌剧院指挥马斯卡尼歌剧《乡村骑士》,成为首位在最负盛名的意大利拿波里和威尼斯歌剧院指挥歌剧的女指挥家,也成为意大利各大歌剧院和乐团的客席指挥。张洁敏2007年在拿波里圣卡罗歌剧院指挥马斯卡尼歌剧《乡村骑士》,由意大利国家电视台RAI录制DVD出版全球发行。2011年,出任上海交响乐团的驻团指挥;2012年,应中国文化部的邀请,庆祝中国土耳其文化年,在土耳其指挥了伊斯坦布尔国家交响乐团;张洁敏也多次参加北京国际音乐节,澳门国际音乐节,上海之春,上海夏季音乐节。 张洁敏自幼受到音乐的熏陶,17岁开始学习作曲和指挥,师从著名指挥家黄晓同教授,张国勇和张眉教授。1995年,张洁敏毕业于上海音乐学院指挥系并受聘于上海歌剧院担任指挥。2003年曾任上海交响乐团助理指挥。 Zhang Jiemin,Conductor in Residence of Shanghai Symphony Orchestra. The first female conductor to have conducted operas in La Fenice and St.Carlo Opera House in Italy;The first Chinese conductor to have released an opera DVD recording with Rai Zhang has extraordinarily rich experiences in conducting operas in Europe, especially in Italy, where the genre is most famous for. All these experiences amount to her achievement in opera and orchestral conducting today. From 1997 to 1999, Zhang conducted Carmen, La Bohème and Turandot in Latvian National Opera. From 1997 on, she worked as Zubin Mehta’s assistant at Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino in Florence and took part in the “Turandot at the Forbidden City” project. In 2001, invited by Michel Plasson, Zhang became Assistant Conductor at the Orchestre National du Capitole de Toulouse. In 2006, Zhang conducted the Closing Ceremony Concert of the Venice Carnival at the Teatro La Fenice in Venice. She also toured Italy with the orchestra of Teatro La Fenice. In 2007, Zhang conducted La Traviata in Madrid, Turandot at Teatro La Venice, Cavalleria Rusticana at Teatro di San Carlo in Naples, thus becoming the first female conductor to conduct operas in these two opera houses. In 2008, Zhang conducted the New Year’s Concert at Teatro Municipale Giuseppe Verdi di Salerno, and conducted the Sinfonietta di Roma in Vatican Concert Hall. In 2009 Zhang conducted several season concerts at the Teatro Massimo Bellini in Catania, Sicily. Zhang’s 2007 performance of Cavalleria Rustiana in Teatro di San Carlo was released as DVD video on the TDK label with Rai. Zhang has enjoyed a cozy relationship with opera houses and orchestras home and abroad and has conducted Teatro La Venice, Teatro di San Carlo, Teatro Massimo Bellini in Catania, Teatro Municipale Giuseppe Verdi di Salerno, Sinfonietta di Roma, Orchestre National du Capitole de Toulouse, Istanbul National Orchestra, Madrid Youth Orchestra, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Philharmonic, Shanghai Oepra House, National Opera House, Orchestra of National Centre For the performing Arts .the Beijing Film Orchestra, Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra ,ShenZhen Symphony Orchstra,Hangzhou Symphony Orchestra Hong Kong Philharmonic.Maucao Orchestra… 双簧管:周旻翔 ZHOU Minxiang, oboe 向上滑动阅览 2014年毕业于中央音乐学院,师从中央音乐学院教授、博士生导师,魏卫东。 于2014年受中央音乐学院公派赴丹麦皇家音乐学院交流学习,师从丹麦皇家广播交响乐团双簧管首席、丹麦皇家音乐学院教授, Max.Artved;同年获得中央音乐学院第十二届管乐室内乐木管独奏比赛双簧管组二等奖。 2015年以优异的成绩考入奥地利的维也纳音乐艺术表演大学 (Universitt für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien)双簧管演奏专业,师从前维也纳交响乐团首席,维也纳音乐艺术表演大学教授 ,Klaus Lienbacher。 2017年开展第二专业,考上维也纳音乐艺术表演大学室内乐硕士,师从奥地利艺术家交响乐团 (Tonkünstler Orchester N)大管首席、维也纳音乐艺术表演大学教授 ,Gottfried Pokorny。 2017年考入捷克 Virtuosi Brunenses 交响乐团,担任双簧管首席,并屡次随团欧洲巡演并获得热烈好评。多次参加罗西尼艺术节与 Theater Fest-Schloss Kirchstetten 艺术节担任双簧管首席。 Zhou Minxiang graduated from the China’s Central Conservatory of Music in 2014, studying with Wei Weidong, a professor and doctoral supervisor at the school. In 2014, he was selected by the Central Conservatory of Music to the Royal Danish Academy of Music for an exchange study with Max Artved, the Principal Oboe of the Royal Danish Radio Symphony Orchestra and Professor of the Royal Danish Academy of Music. In the same year, he won the second prize in the oboe category of the 12th Wind Chamber Music Woodwind Solo Competition of the Central Conservatory of Music. In 2015, he was admitted to the Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts (Universitt für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien) in Austria, where he studied with Klaus Lienbacher, the former Principal of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra and Professor of the Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts. In 2017, he began to learn a second major and enrolled in the Master of Music program in Chamber Music at the University of Music and Arts Performance Vienna, under the tutelage of the Principal Bassoon of the Austrian Artists' Symphony Orchestra (Tonkünstler Orchester N) and Professor at the University of Music and Arts Performance Vienna, Gottfried Pokorny. In 2017, he joined the Virtuosi Brunenses Symphony Orchestra in the Czech Republic as Principal Oboe and has toured Europe with the orchestra for multiple times and received enthusiastic acclaim. Besides, has participated in the Rossini Festival and the Theater Fest-Schloss Kirchstetten Festival as Principal Oboe. 单簧管:蔡庆 CAI Qing, clarinet 向上滑动阅览 蔡庆,成都交响乐团乐队队长、成都交响乐团单簧管首席、四川单簧管学会常务理事。 1990年开始跟随四川音乐学院著名青年单簧管演奏家喻波学习单簧管,1993年以优异的成绩考入四川音乐学院附属中学,1996年起跟随中央音乐学院陶纯孝教授学习,1999年赴俄罗斯圣彼得堡音乐学院进修,同年保送四川音乐学院管弦系。2005年起担任成都交响乐团首席单簧管。作为单簧管首席随团出访美国、英国、意大利、德国、法国、奥地利、比利时、西班牙和俄罗斯等国家。与国内外众多顶级古典乐坛的指挥家和独奏家均有过圆满成功的合作。并多次受邀担任国内外音乐比赛评委。 Cai Qing currently serves as the Director of Orchestra Personnel of the Chengdu Symphony Orchestra, principal clarinet of the Chengdu Symphony Orchestra, and executive director of the Sichuan Clarinet Society. In 1990, he started to study clarinet with the famous young clarinetist Yu Bo from Sichuan Conservatory of Music. In 1993, he was admitted to the affiliated high school of Sichuan Conservaory of Music with excellent grades, and studied with Professor Tao Chunxiao from Central Conservatory of Music since 1996. He has been the principal clarinet of Chengdu Symphony Orchestra since 2005. As principal clarinet, he has traveled with the orchestra to the United States, England, Italy, Germany, France, Austria, Belgium, Spain and Russia. He has successfully collaborated with many top Chinese and foreign classical music conductors and soloists. He has also been invited to serve as a jury member for many domestic and international music competitions. 大管:宋世彬 SONG Shibin, bassoon 向上滑动阅览 宋世彬,四川音乐学院管弦系副系主任,巴松副教授、硕士生导师,四川音乐学院交响乐团副团长、首席巴松,四川省海外高层次人才,四川音乐学院留学人员联谊会副会长,四川欧美同学会·四川留学人员联谊会文体旅专委会会长。中国音协管乐学会理事,中国音协大管学会副秘书长,四川省音协管乐联合会副秘书长,四川省音协双簧学会秘书长,全国管乐比赛、巴松比赛评委,北京国际巴松艺术节秘书长,德国 Puchner巴松艺术家,津宝巴松艺术家。 沈阳音乐学院附中毕业后留学德国,先后获得德国卡尔斯鲁厄音乐学院硕士学位,德国纽伦堡音乐学院大师级证书(博士),师从贾英教授、贾大勇副教授、君特·菲茨麦尔教授及皮埃尔·马滕斯教授,得到过克劳斯·图纳曼教授等世界级演奏家的亲自指导。 赴德国、法国、瑞士、意大利、摩洛哥、美国、日本、新加坡等地交流演出,两次在 IDRS国际双簧学会年会(2013年美国、2015年日本)举办专场重奏音乐会,参加过德国石荷州音乐节等著名国际音乐节。作为独奏曾与杭州爱乐乐团、四川音乐学院交响乐团等交响乐团合作,应邀担任过哈尔滨交响乐团、成都交响乐团、四川交响乐团等交响乐团的巴松客座首席。 多次在天津音乐学院、沈阳音乐学院、浙江音乐学院等国内专业院校进行专业讲学,参与、主持国家艺术基金、省政府、省教育厅等各级项目,所指导学生获得如“国际奥林匹克音乐比赛”、“中国音乐小金钟 – 全国中小学生管乐展演”、“津宝巴松大奖赛”等国际、国内各级比赛的众多奖项,本人多次获“优秀指导教师奖”。 Song Shibin, now serves as the Deputy Director of the Orchestral Department, Associate Professor of Bassoon, Master's Tutor at of Sichuan Conservatory of Music (SCOM),and the Deputy Director and Principal Bassoon of the SCOM Symphony Orchestra. He was honored with many titles, including Overseas High-Level Talent of Sichuan Province, Vice President of the Association of Overseas Students of Sichuan Conservatory of Music, President of the Special Committee of Culture, and Sports and Travel of the Sichuan European and American Association - Sichuan Association of Overseas Students. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Wind Music Society of the China Music Association, Deputy Secretary General of the Wind Music Society of the China Music Association, Deputy Secretary General of the Wind Music Federation of the Sichuan Music Association, Secretary General of the Oboe Society of the Sichuan Music Association, a member of the jury of the National Wind Music Competition and the Bassoon Competition, Secretary General of the Beijing International Bassoon Festival, and a Puchner Bassoon Artist from Germany, and a Zimbo Bassoon Artist. After graduating from Shenyang Conservatory of Music, he studied in Germany and received a master's degree from the Karlsruhe Conservatory of Music and a master's certificate (PhD) from the Nuremberg Conservatory of Music in Germany. He has studied under Prof. Jia Ying, Associate Prof. Jia Dayong, Prof. Günter Fitzmaier and Prof. Pierre Martens, and received personal instruction from world-class performers such as Prof. Klaus Thurnaman. He has performed in Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Morocco, USA, Japan, Singapore, etc. He has twice performed special repertoire concerts at the annual meetings of the IDRS International Double Reed Society (2013 in USA and 2015 in Japan) and participated in famous international music festivals such as the Music Festival in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. As a soloist, he has worked with symphony orchestras such as Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra and Sichuan Conservatory of Music Symphony Orchestra, and has been invited to be the bassoon guest principal of Harbin Symphony Orchestra, Chengdu Symphony Orchestra, Sichuan Symphony Orchestra and other symphony orchestras. He has lectured at the Tianjin Conservatory of Music, Shenyang Conservatory of Music, Zhejiang Conservatory of Music and other professional colleges and universities in China, and has participated in and presided over projects at various levels, such as the National Arts Foundation, the provincial government and the provincial education department. His students have won many awards in international and domestic competitions, such as "International Olympic Music Competition", "China Music Golden Bell", "Jinbao Bassoon Grand Prix", etc. I have been awarded "Excellent Instructor Award" for many times. 圆号:胡海晴 HU Haiqing, horn 向上滑动阅览 成都交响乐团圆号演奏员,苏州大学研究生。2013年跟随深圳交响乐团圆号首席徐毅奇先生学习圆号。2015年进入苏州大学音乐学院追随著名圆号演奏家、教育家魏正启教授学习。2018年参加苏州大学协奏曲比赛获奖并与乐团合作演出莫扎特《降E大调第二号圆号协奏曲》。在校期间担任苏州大学交响乐团圆号首席,曾多次随团进行重要演出。在校期间多次获奖,并在2019年5月成功举行个人独奏音乐会。2019年经由推免继续追随魏正启教授进行硕士学位的攻读。2018年参演上海歌剧院新年音乐会,2019年随上海爱乐乐团成功演出布鲁克纳《第九交响曲》。2020 年获匈牙利国际音乐比赛三等奖;2020 年华南地区第十一届管乐、打击乐独奏重奏展演二等奖。参加了 André Cazalet、Will Sandrers、Takeshi Hidaka的大师班并得到一致好评。 Hu Haiqing is a horn player at Chengdu Symphony Orchestra who holds a master’s degree from Soochow University. In 2013, she began to start horn with Mr. Xu Yiqi, the principal horn of Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra. And in 2015, she entered the Conservatory of Music of Soochow University to study with Professor Wei Zhengqi, a famous horn player and educator. In 2018, she won the concerto competition of Soochow University and performed Mozart's Horn Concerto No. 2 in E-flat Major with the orchestra. During her school years, she was the principal horn of Soochow University Symphony Orchestra and has performed with the orchestra in many important performances. She received several awards during her studies and gave a successful solo recital in May 2019. Furthermore, she continued to pursue his master's degree with Prof. Wei Zhengqi through exemption in 2019. In 2018, she performed in the New Year Concert held by Shanghai Opera House and in 2019, she gave a successful performance of Bruckner's Ninth Symphony with the Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra. In 2020, she won the Third Prize at the Hungarian International Music Competition; in the same year, she obtained the Third Prize of the South China Wind Symphony Competition and the Second Prize of the 11th Solo Repertoire Exhibition for Wind and Percussion in the competition. Besides, she has participated in master classes with André Cazalet, Will Sandrers and Takeshi Hidaka and received unanimous praise. END 资料 | 李茜云 左欢欢 郭美辰 撰稿|张听雨 编辑 | 何春晓 校对 | 蔡瑶 丁姝琪 |