「第149期 | 2023年2月6-12日」 项目动态 Projects' New 01|Saks Fifth Avenue精品百货扩展男装业务线 Saks Fifth Avenue精品百货正在扩展其男装业务,首先是更新店内男装购物体验,并扩展在线男装种类。2月3日,这家批发商在纽约萨克斯第五大道旗舰店的七楼揭幕了一个新的4万平方英尺的高级设计师和当代成衣部,内部含有70多个品牌。 01|Saks Fifth Avenue expanding menswear line Saks Fifth Avenue expanded its menswear business, starting with an updated in-store menswear shopping experience and expanding its menswear offerings online. On 3 February, the retailer unveiled a new 40,000-square-foot couture and contemporary ready-to-wear department with more than 70 brands inside on the seventh floor of its Saks Fifth Avenue flagship store in New York. 02|新加坡慕斯达法集团进军马来西亚市场 新加坡本地百货商店运营商慕斯达法集团(Mustafa)将约1.14亿新元,收购马来西亚柔佛新山Capital City Mall的大部分商业空间,标记着该集团初次进军马来西亚市场。 CapitalCity Mall位于淡杯,于2018年4月竣工,具有1602个批发单位,总净可出租面积为90万2994平方英尺。 02|Singapore Musdafa Group enters the Malaysian market Singapore department store operator Mustafa will acquire most of the commercial space in the Capital City Mall in Johor New Hill, Malaysia, for about S $114 million, marking its first foray into the Malaysian market. Located in Tampoi, CapitalCity Mall, which was completed in April 2018, has 1,602 retail units with a gross net lettable area of 902,994 square foot. 03|新西兰 | 奥莱Mānawa Bay计划2024年开业 新西兰奥克兰机场宣布其开发中的名品奥莱定名为Mānawa Bay,并发布了细致的计划。 该项目占空中积达15万平方米,耗资2亿纽元,提供备受追捧的优质时兴、运动休闲、生活方式和家居用品品牌及现代美食和餐饮选择。树立工程计划于下半年开端。 03|New Zealand | Outlets Mānawa Bay opening in 2024 Auckland Airport in New Zealand has announced detailed plans for its new development, known as Mānawa Bay. Covering an area of 150,000 square metres and costing $200 million, the project offers a highly sought after selection of premium fashion, Sports, homeware brands, modern food and dining options. Construction is scheduled to begin in H2 of the year. 04|东急百货店总店终了55年历史 东急百货店总店于1月31日终了了长达55年的停业。关店后,东急、东急百货店、L Catterton Real Estate三家公司将共同推进“涉谷上西区项目”(ShibuyaUpper West Project)”,中止建筑物撤除工程,在旧址上树立地上36层、公开4层的综合设备。> 04|Tokyu Department ended its 55-year history The main store of Tokyu Department ended its 55-year operation on 31 January. After the closure, Tokyu Group, Tokyu Department, and L Catterton Real Estate will jointly carry out the ShibuyaUpper West Project. A complex with 36 storeys above ground and 4 storeys below ground will be built on the site. 批发品牌 Brands' News 01|拼多多跨境平台Temu将发力北美市场 据业内音讯人士透露,拼多多跨境电商平台Temu平台过半商品已同步在加拿大站点开端测试,将正式进军北美市场。据Sensor Tower数据显现,去年9月上线以来,Temu在美国市场的装置量已抵达1080万次,成为11月1日至12月14日期间美国市场全类别下载量最高的App。 01|Pinduoduo’s cross-border platform Temu is entering the North American market According to industry sources, more than half of the products on the Temu platform, Pinduoduo's cross-border e-commerce platform, have been tested on the Canadian site simultaneously, and will officially enter the North American market. Since its launch in September, Temu has been installed 10.8 million times in the US, making it the most downloaded App by category in the US between 1 November and 14 December, according to Sensor Tower’s data. 02|呷哺呷哺海外第一店落户新加坡 1月30日,呷哺呷哺表示今年将在中国台湾、马来西亚开设首店,并计划今年内新增6家门店延伸至马来西亚。据了解,呷哺呷哺海外第一家门店已于1月25日在新加坡试停业。 02|Xiabu Xiabu landing its first overseas store in Singapore On 30 January, Xiabu Xiabu said it would open its first stores in Taiwan of China and Malaysia this year, with plans to expand to 6 more in Malaysia this year. It is learnt that Xiabu Xiabu's first overseas store has been soft opened in Singapore on 25 January. 03|The Row首家门店落地成都 近日,美国服装品牌The Row中国首店落地成都SKP,正式进入中国市场,该店为全球第四家独立门店。该店设计持续品牌极简作风,整体以黑白颜色为主。该品牌由美国明星姐妹Ashley和Mary-Kate Olsen于2006年共同创建,主打极简朴素的成衣配饰。 03|The Row opened its first store in Chengdu American clothing brand The Row officially entered the Chinese market by landing its first store in Chengdu SKP, which is the fourth independent store in the world. The store continues the minimalist style of the brand, with black and white colour mainly. Founded in 2006 by US celebrity sisters Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen, the brand focuses on minimalist luxury ready-to-wear accessories. 04|SK-II明星产品将全线涨价 据高端护肤品牌SK-II天猫官方旗舰店公告,2月15日起SK-II将对部分商品中止涨价,产品包含SK-II神仙水、大红瓶和小灯泡等中心单品,涨幅为近五年最高。 04|SK-II’s star products to raise prices The official flagship store of high-end skincare brand SK-II on Tmall announced that from 15 February, SK-II will raise the price of some products, including core items such as SK-II facial treatment essence, Skinpower cream and Genoptics aura essence, with the price increase showed the highest in nearly 5 years. 05|M&Co将关闭一切门店 据悉,于去年年底第二次进入破产管理程序的英国时装批发商M&Co将关闭一切170家门店,约2000名员工将失业。受疫情影响,M&Co 2020年停业额从2亿英镑降落到5000万英镑以下。 05|M&Co to close all stores UK fashion retailer M&Co, who went into administration for the second time at the end of 2022, is to close all 170 of its stores with the loss of about 2,000 jobs. As a result of the epidemic, M&Co's turnover fell from £200 million to less than £50 million in 2020. 行业资讯 Industrial New 01|多家朴素品集团老板将到访中国调查 据悉,卡地亚母公司历峰集团首席执行官Johann Rupert将于本周抵达中国,卡地亚营销和传播总监Arnaud Carrez也计划在未来几个月内前往中国。LVMH董事长兼首席执行官Bernard Arnault以及Capri集团首席执行官John Idol和Michael Kors新首席执行官Cedric Wilmotte同样在筹备相关行程,目的不约而同都是与中国消费者重新树立联合,以更好地掌握机遇。 01|Bosses of several luxury goods groups to visit China Johann Rupert, CEO of Richemont, Cartier's parent company, is said to be in China this week, while Arnaud Carrez, Cartier's director of marketing and publicity, is also planning to travel to China in the coming months. LVMH Chairman and CEO Bernard Arnault, Capri Group CEO John Idol and Michael Kors new CEO Cedric Wilmotte are also preparing related trips with the same goal of reconnecting with Chinese consumers, to better grasp the opportunity. 02|爱彼将推出认证二手表项目 继劳力士后,瑞士品牌爱彼Audemars Piguet首席执行官于近日透露,品牌也将在2023年底发布认证二手表项目,以顺应市场展开趋向。据彭博社音讯,爱彼去年共消费5万块手表,2021年收入增加了近三分之一至15亿瑞士法郎,迫近另一瑞士朴素手表制造商百达翡丽。 02|Audemars Piguet to launch certified used watch program Following in the footsteps of Rolex, Swiss watchmaking brand Audemars Piguet will also release its certified used watch program by the end of 2023, in line with market trends, the company's CEO revealed recently. According to Bloomberg, the company, which produced 50,000 watches last year, increased revenue by nearly a third in 2021 to 1.5 billion Swiss francs, putting it revenue close to Patek Philippe, another Swiss luxury watchmaker. 03|中国朴素品市场或于今年复苏 依据贝恩公司的最新研讨讲演,中国朴素品市场在2022年同比降落 10%,终了了连续五年的高增长。讲演还显现,简直一切朴素品品类都不同水平地遭到市场下滑带来的影响,其中腕表市场的跌幅最大,销售额相比2021年缩水了20%–25%。该讲演也指出,中国朴素品市场估量将在今年第一季度终了前重归正向展开。 03|China's luxury market may recover this year According to Bain & Company's latest research report, China's luxury market will decline by 10% y-o-y in 2022, ending 5 consecutive years of high growth. The report also showed that almost all luxury categories were affected by the market to some extent, with the watch suffering the biggest decline, with sales shrinking by 20% to 25% compared to 2021. The report also pointed out that the Chinese luxury market is expected to return to positive development by the end of Q1 of 2023. 04|Z 世代环保认识进步 依据盛宝银行日前发布的一份研讨讲演,目前Z世代的时兴选择越来越遭到品牌 ESG(环境、社会和公司管理)立场的影响。约 51% 的受访者表示,在过去12个月中,品牌的环境可持续性、对等性和多样性成为他们置办服装、配饰和鞋子的思索要素。 04|Generation Z’s awareness of environmental protection raised According to a research report released by Saxo Bank, the fashion choices of Gen Z are increasingly being influenced by brands' ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) stance. About 51% of respondents said brands' environmental sustainability, equality and diversity were factors in their clothing, accessories and shoes purchases over the past 12 months. 05|Disney启动大型重组计划 日前,在Disney最新财报会议上,CEO透露公司在上个季度仍在亏损,并决议采取一系列措施来弥补。这些措施包含有大型的裁员:共将裁去7000个职位;同时削减55亿美圆的成本,这些钱将会从多个项目预算中减除。另外他还透露公司将重组成为三个部分:容纳电视剧、电影业务的文娱部门,ESPN 体育部门,以及主题公园部门。 05|Disney started big restructuring plan On the company's latest earnings call, Disney's CEO revealed that the company continued to lose money in the last quarter and decided to take a number of steps to fix it. These include big cuts: 7,000 jobs will be dismissed; It also cuts $5.5 billion in costs, which will be cut from several projects. He also said the company would be restructured into 3 parts: the entertainment division (includes TV and film businesses), the ESPN sports division and the theme parks division. 投融资 Investment and Financing 01|太古地产进军曼谷 太古地产近日宣布,将收购泰国曼谷WirelessRoad一块地皮的40%权益,代价为24.04亿泰铢(约5.69亿港元)。卖方为香港兴业国际集团有限公司全资隶属公司。 本次收购标记着太古地产初次进军曼谷地产市场。太古地产将与泰国知名展开商CityRealtyCo.Ltd.协作,共同开发该块用地,将其展开成奢华公寓项目。 01|Swire Properties entering the Bangkok market Swire Properties announced that it would acquire a 40% interest in a site on WirelessRoad in Bangkok, Thailand, for 2.404 billion baht (HK $569 million). The seller is a wholly-owned subsidiary of HKR International Limited. The acquisition marks Swire Properties' first move into the Bangkok property market. Swire Properties is partnering with CityRealtyCo.Ltd., a well-known Thailand developer, to work together to develop the site and develop it into a luxury apartment project. 02|传LVMH、欧莱雅和资生堂竞购Aesop 据彭博社音讯,LVMH、欧莱雅集团和资生堂集团都参与竞购澳大利亚护肤品牌Aesop的行列,本次买卖对Aesop的估值约为20亿美圆,不外谈判正在中止中,暂未达成任何买卖。 02|LVMH, L 'Oreal and Shiseido bid for Aesop LVMH, L 'Oreal Group and Shiseido Group are among bidders for Australian skincare brand Aesop in a deal that would value Aesop at around $2 billion, although talks are ongoing and no deal has been concluded, according to Bloomberg News. 中购联铱星云商新媒体中心综合整理 END 近 期热文 这6大「商业方式」或成未来商业走向 今年这些行将开业的项目备受关注 社区商业加速“狂飙”中…… 这12大年度新兴品牌格外“出圈” |