馆藏中国是“南山供秀”平台依据平常搜集的各博物馆官网资料而整理的专题内容,主要以分享为主,对内容新老不做辨伪。 本期分享维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆(Victoria and Albert Museum,简称V&A),该馆位于伦敦南肯辛顿(South Kensington),建于1852年,是目前世界上最大的装饰艺术和设计博物馆,也是目前英国国内第二大国立博物馆。而维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆名字的由来,还要说到伦敦万国工业展览会,也就是往常世博会的前身。1851年,在伦敦举行的万国工业展览会获无暇前的胜利,阿尔伯特亲王决议在伦敦南肯辛顿区兴建一座博物馆,用来陈列展览会的优秀作品和当代名师的出色设计。到1899年,伊丽莎白女王为博物馆的馆址行奠基礼,为了留念极力促成此次展览会的维多利亚女王和其夫君阿尔伯特亲王,所以以两人的名字来命名博物馆。 经过一百多年的展开,往常的V&A具有超越450万件藏品,包含了世界不同地域和文化的设计精品。其中,中国馆依生活、饮食、丧葬、宫廷、宗教信仰等用处,展示了包含瓷器、玉器、漆器、家具、雕塑、象牙制品、玻璃制品、纺织品、绘画作品、手稿等。 以下信息引见来源于博物馆官网,部分信息有误,因本篇内容只做搜集分享,所以对真伪不做讨论。故下列藏品信息及断代不代表本平台观念。 Three Heads (fragment of a wall painting) ca. 6th century (made) Height: 25cm,Width: 39.5cm ACCESSION NUMBER:E.503-1939 OBJECT HISTORY: This fragment from a fresco from the Kizil grottoes was purchased for 40 from the dealer Monsieur Charles Ratton (Paris). It was claimed at the time that: "The Museum fur Volkenkunste in Berlin has all these frescoes, which were found by Le Coq and none are normally obtainable. This was one retained by Madam Le Coq from whom Ratton has obtained it". 这幅来自克孜尔石窟壁画的碎片是从经销商查尔斯·拉特顿先生(巴黎)以40英镑的价钱置办的。当时有人宣称:“柏林的沃尔肯昆斯特博物馆具有一切这些壁画,这些壁画都是勒考克发现的,通常都无法取得。这是拉顿从勒考克夫人那里取得的”。 Figure of Buddha 550-577 (made) Height: 119cm,Weight: 290kg ACCESSION NUMBER:A.4-1924 CREDIT LINE:Purchased with help from Art Fund and private donors BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES: Ashton, 'A Chinese statue in the V&A Museum' Burlington Magazine, XLV, 1924, p.72 Siren, O. 'Chinese Sculpture from the Fifth to the Fourteenth Century', 1925, # 285 Clarke, John: Arts of Asia, vol. 45, no. 5, September - October 2015, "The Buddha image in Asia: Phase One of the Robert H. N.Ho Family Foundation Galleries of Buddhist Art", p.115, pl. 4. O. Siren, Chinese Sculpture (7 Vols), 1925, p.77; Plate 285. Orientations; vol. 40. no. 4; May 2009; The Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation Gallery, Victoria & Albert Museum. Lukas Nickel; Faith and Beauty. Chinese Buddhist Sculpture in the Victoria and Albert Museum, p. 52 Orientations; vol. 40. no. 4; May 2009; The Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation Gallery, Victoria & Albert Museum. Lukas Nickel; Faith and Beauty. Chinese Buddhist Sculpture in the Victoria and Albert Museum, p. 52 Buddha Head 550-577 (made) Height: 90cm,Weight: 255kg (Note: incl. pallet and bracket) ACCESSION NUMBER:A.98-1927 CREDIT LINE:Presented by Art Fund BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES: Clarke, John: Arts of Asia, vol. 45, no. 5, September - October 2015, "The Buddha image in Asia: Phase One of the Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Galleries of Buddhist Art", p.122, pl. 16. Clarke, John: Buddhist Sculpture, p. 42 Orientations; vol. 40. no. 4; May 2009; The Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation Gallery, Victoria & Albert Museum. Head 618 - 907, 670 - 730 Height: 31.8cm ACCESSION NUMBER: A.27-1914 (Depiction) CREDIT LINE:Bought from S.M. Frank & Co.Bought in 1920 from S.M. Frank & Co. for 50. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: 'Dispersed Statues of Longmen' 龍門流散雕像集 Longmen Liusan Diaoxiang Ji, no. 63 Figure of Buddha's Head Height: 34.3cm ACCESSION NUMBER: A.27-1914 CREDIT LINE: Acquired from Mr. A. W. Bahr,Acquired in 1914 from Mr. A.W. Bahr for 170 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: 'Dispersed Statues of Longmen' 龍門流散雕像集 Longmen Liusan Diaoxiang Ji, no. 47 Stele 544 (made) Height: 92.5cm ACCESSION NUMBER:FE.7-1971 Figure of Buddha 550 - 577 (made) Height: 108cm,Including modern base (black) height: 119cm ACCESSION NUMBER:A.36-1950 CREDIT LINE:Bequeathed by Herbert Coleman BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: Orientations; vol. 40. no. 4; May 2009; The Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation Gallery, Victoria & Albert Museum. Lukas Nickel; Faith and Beauty. Chinese Buddhist Sculpture in the Victoria and Albert Museum, p. 50 已知其他三件与之匹配的雕塑:一件在上海博物馆,一件在巴黎塞穆斯基,一件在日本私人珍藏。听说这四个人以前都在中国的一座佛塔里。 Guanyin 550-577 (made) height: 88.9cm ACCESSION NUMBER:A.7-1913 CREDIT LINE:rom base of lotus to tip of mandala BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: 'La Sculpture Chinoise' (plate 538), Annales du musee Guimet, biliotheque d'art novelle serie - 1, 1926. Written by Osvald Siren Guanyin 550-577 (made) height: 88.9cm ACCESSION NUMBER:A.8-1913 CREDIT LINE:From base of lotus to tip of mandala BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: 'La Sculpture Chinoise' (plate 538), Annales du musee Guimet, biliotheque d'art novelle serie - 1, 1926. Written by Osvald Siren Figure of Buddha 618-906 (made) Height: 119cm,Weight: 290kg ACCESSION NUMBER:A.6-1935 CREDIT LINE:Purchased with Art Fund support, the Vallentin Bequest, Sir Percival David and the Universities China Committee BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES: The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 60, No.350 (May 1932), pp.230-36. Yetts C34 Victoria and Albert Museum, Annual Review 1935 p.9 Orientations; vol. 40. no. 4; May 2009; The Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation Gallery, Victoria & Albert Museum. Lukas Nickel; Faith and Beauty. Chinese Buddhist Sculpture in the Victoria and Albert Museum, p. 55 The Bodhisattva Guanyin holding a vase 575 - 625 (made) Height: 97cm ACCESSION NUMBER:A.216-1946 Figure of Bodhisattva ca. 550 - ca. 575 (made) Height: 100cm ACCESSION NUMBER:A.8-1935 CREDIT LINE:Purchased with Art Fund support, the Vallentin Bequest, Sir Percival David and the Universities China Committee BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES: Yetts C21 Stele 550-577 (made) Height: 163cm ACCESSION NUMBER:A.61-1937 CREDIT LINE:Purchased with Art Fund support, the Vallentin Bequest, Sir Percival David and the Universities China Committee BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES: W. Zwalf (ed.) (1985) Buddhism Art and Faith. London: British Museum Publications, p. 200, cat. 286. Yetts C28 An apsara Height: 64.5cm ACCESSION NUMBER:A.55-1938 OBJECT HISTORY: The author of LONGMEN LIUSAN DIAOXIANG JI (book in FEC library) commented in 1994: of all recorded apsara this is likely to be the best. It is an object which I like to see its exact position at Longmen located. Relief 15th century (made) Height: 91cm,Width: 67cm ACCESSION NUMBER: A.11-1935 CREDIT LINE:Purchased with Art Fund support, the Vallentin Bequest, Sir Percival David and the Universities China Committee BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES: Yetts, W P: 'The George Eumorfopoulos Collection', Vol III, Catalogue of Sculpture, pg 711, pl LXV couch-panel-unknown/ Funerary Couch Panel 550-77 (made) Height: 55.3cm,Width: 249cm,Depth: 11.8cm ACCESSION NUMBER:A.54-1937 CREDIT LINE:Purchased with Art Fund support, the Vallentin Bequest, Sir Percival David and the Universities China Committee BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES: Miho Museum: South Wing (Japan 1997) p.247. Yetts C37 Etsuko Kageyama, Quelques remarques sur des monuments funeraires de Sogdiens en Chine, in Studia Iranica 34: 2005, p. 257-278 Guanyin ca. 1200 - 1300 (made) Approx height: 78cm ACCESSION NUMBER:A.68-1937 CREDIT LINE:Purchased with Art Fund support, the Vallentin Bequest, Sir Percival David and the Universities China Committee BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 68, No.358 (May 1936), pp.220-31. Figure of Guanyin ca. 1200 (made) Height: 114.2cm ACCESSION NUMBER:A.7-1935 CREDIT LINE:Purchased with Art Fund support, the Vallentin Bequest, Sir Percival David and the Universities China Committee BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES: Orientations, July 1991 Chinese Art and Design, ed. Kerr, 1991, plate 36 The George Eumorfopoulos Collection (11 vols), London, Ernest Benn Ltd. 1925-1932. Vol. 3, pp. 62-3 Guanyin a masterpiece revealed. Kerr and Larson, London, 1985 Bodhisattva Guanyin ca. 1200 - ca. 1300 (made) Height: 43.5cm ACCESSION NUMBER:FE.6-1971 Bodhisattva 1115-1234 (made) Height: 125cm ACCESSION NUMBER:A.173-1929 CREDIT LINEGift of Rt.Hon. Lord Ivor Churchill through Art Fund Figure of buddha 1200-1350 (made) Height: 25 cm ACCESSION NUMBER:A.203-1929 CREDIT LINE:Given by the National Art-Collections Fund BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES: Clunas, Craig. Chinese Carving. London: Sun Tree Publishing Ltd in association with the Victoria & Albert Museum, 1996. p. 12, fig 2. Spink & Son. Exhibition of Chinese Art in Berlin. Catalogue, 1929. no. 667 with illustration. Figure of Luohan 1300-1400 (made) Height: 98cm ACCESSION NUMBER:A.29-1931 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: Baker, Malcolm, and Brenda Richardson (eds.), A Grand Design: The Art of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London: V&A Publications, 1999.Orientations; vol. 40. no. 4; May 2009; The Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation Gallery, Victoria & Albert Museum. Lukas Nickel; Faith and Beauty. Chinese Buddhist Sculpture in the Victoria and Albert Museum, p. 56 A Daoist deity 1368 - 1644 (made) Height: 83.82 cm ACCESSION NUMBER:A.27-1921、A.28-1921 Figure of Bodhisattva Height: 120cm ACCESSION NUMBER:A.51-1937 CREDIT LINE:Purchased with Art Fund support, the Vallentin Bequest, Sir Percival David and the Universities China Committee Figure of Guanyin Height: 143cm ACCESSION NUMBER:A.52-1937 CREDIT LINE:Purchased with Art Fund support, the Vallentin Bequest, Sir Percival David and the Universities China Committee guanyin-unknown/ Figure of Guanyin 1350-1550 Height: 202.20cm ACCESSION NUMBER:A.62-1937 CREDIT LINE:Purchased with Art Fund support, the Vallentin Bequest, Sir Percival David and the Universities China Committee Guanyin 618-906 (Made) Rd height: 164cm ACCESSION NUMBER:A.3-1934 CREDIT LINE:Presented by Art Fund BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: Victoria and Albert Museum Annual Review 1934, plate 6 (b), page 7. Guanyin 1735 - 1796 (made) ACCESSION NUMBER:FE.19-1973 Figure of Guanyin ca. 1750 (made) Height: 66cm ACCESSION NUMBER:FE.22-1986 Figure of Guandi 1640-1700 (made) ACCESSION NUMBER:A.7-1917 CREDIT LINE:T.C. Sandeman gift Bodhisattva 534 (made) Height: 20.5cm ACCESSION NUMBER:M.154-1938 CREDIT LINE:Purchased with Art Fund support, the Vallentin Bequest, Sir Percival David and the Universities China Committee Figure of Buddha ca. 600-618 (made) Height: 10cm ACCESSION NUMBER:FE.1-1974 Bodhisattva ACCESSION NUMBER:FE.23-1984 Bodhisattva 1200-1250 (made) Height: 28.5cm ACCESSION NUMBER:M.155-1938 CREDIT LINE:Purchased with Art Fund support, the Vallentin Bequest, Sir Percival David and the Universities China Committee Head of Buddha 1368-1644 (made) Including support height: 108cm,Weight: 100kg ACCESSION NUMBER:M.3-1936 CREDIT LINE:Given by Mr Oswald T. Falk, through The Art Fund Reclining Buddha to Enter Nirvana 1500 - 1699 (made) ACCESSION NUMBER:M.311-1920 unknown/ Bodhisattva ca. 1490 (made) pprox. height: 78cm ACCESSION NUMBER:M.317-1921 Monk ca. 1490 (made) Height: 66cm,Width: 42cm,Depth: 26cm,Weight: 11.7kg ACCESSION NUMBER:M.318-1921 Guanyin 1368 - 1644 (made) ACCESSION NUMBER:M.135-1956 Bodhisattva of Wisdom ACCESSION NUMBER:M.574-1911 Luohan 1400-1500 (made) Height: 50cm ACCESSION NUMBER:FE.104-1970 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: Rose Kerr (ed.) Chinese Art and Design. The T.T.Tsui Gallery of Chinese Art, London: Victoria and Albert Museum 1991, p. 102, fig. 39 Dieux et demons de l'Himalaya: art du bouddhisme lamaique, Galeries nationale du Grand Palais, Paris, 1977 Amitayus 1650-1700 (made) Height: 43.8cm ACCESSION NUMBER:M.436-1936 CREDIT LINE:Bequeathed by Edward Louis Cappel, CIE Figure of a Bodhisattva 1426-1435 (made) Height: 20.3cm ACCESSION NUMBER:275&A-1898 Li Tieguai 1550-1640 (made) Height: 22.5cm ACCESSION NUMBER:68-1889 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: Kerr, Rose. Later Chinese Bronzes. London: Bamboo Publishing Ltd in association with the Victoria & Albert Museum, 1990. p. 84, no. 66. Sutra-holding Guanyin 1600-1699 (made) ACCESSION NUMBER:M.359-1912 Guanyin 1580-1650 (made) Height: 18.75in ACCESSION NUMBER:C.546-1910 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: For a figure of Guanyin with the mark of Wanli, see Sotheby's Catalogue Thursday 11th November 1937, lot 69. Guanyin 1600-1700 (made) Height: 39.3cm ACCESSION NUMBER:C.548-1910 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: Liefkes, Reino and Hilary Young (eds.) Masterpieces of World Ceramics in the Victoria and Albert Museum. London: V&A Publishing, 2008, pp. 81. Figure of Guanyin 1800-1880 (made) Height: 21cm ACCESSION NUMBER:31-1883 Figure of Guanyin 19th century (made) Height: 42cm ACCESSION NUMBER: FE.6-2003 CREDIT LINE:Bloom Bequest Figure of Guanyin 1279-1368 (made) Height: 26.7cm ACCESSION NUMBER:C.30-1968 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: Ayers, John. Far Eastern Ceramics in the Victoria and Albert Museum (2nd edition). London: Sotheby Park Bernet Publications, 1980, p. 167, pl. 37 Guanyin ACCESSION NUMBER:CIRC.105-1935 CREDIT LINE:Purchased with Art Fund support, the Vallentin Bequest, Sir Percival David and the Universities China Committee Guanyin 1100-1200 (made) Height: 15.5cm ACCESSION NUMBER:A.97-1923 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: Clunas, Craig. Chinese Carving. London: Sun Tree Publishing Ltd in association with the Victoria & Albert Museum, 1996. p. 70, fig. 85. Bodhisattva Guanyin of the Lion's Roar 1650-1750 (made) Height: 19.2cm ACCESSION NUMBER:FE.529:1, 2-1992 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: Clunas, Craig. Chinese Carving. London: Sun Tree Publishing Ltd in association with the Victoria & Albert Museum, 1996. p. 75, fig. 88. Guanyin 1650-1750 (made) Height: 24.5cm ACCESSION NUMBER:CIRC.192-1938 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: Clunas, Craig. Chinese Carving. London: Sun Tree Publishing Ltd in association with the Victoria & Albert Museum, 1996. p. 74, fig. 87. Guanyin ca. 1630 (made) Height: 15.3cm ACCESSION NUMBER:FE.13-1970 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: Clunas, Craig. Chinese Carving. London: Sun Tree Publishing Ltd in association with the Victoria & Albert Museum, 1996. p. 42, fig. 42. Figure of Beast 600-700 (made) Registered files height: 31cm Registered files width: 12cm ACCESSION NUMBER: FE.6-1983 CREDIT LINE:Mrs L.A. Blake gift Figure of Beast early 7th century (made) ACCESSION NUMBER: FE.5&STAND-1983 CREDIT LINE:Given by Mrs L.A. Blake Roof Tile 1500-1644 (made) Height: 44cm,Width: 44cm,Depth: 25cm ACCESSION NUMBER:C.94-1913 Monkey Figurine 3rd century - 6th century (made) Height: 2.5cm ACCESSION NUMBER:LOAN:INDIA.77 CREDIT LIN:Stein Loan Collection. On loan from the Government of India and the Archaeological Survey of India. Copyright: Government of India BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES: Stein, Marc Aurel. Serindia: detailed report of explorations in Central Asia and westernmost China. Oxford: Clarendon, 1921, vol. 1, p.113 Whitfield, Roderick. The art of Central Asia: the Stein collection in the British Museum. Tokyo: Kodansha International in co-operation with the Trustees of the British Museum, 1982-1983, vol. 3, fig.103 Whitfield, Susan, ed. The Silk Road: trade, travel, war and faith. Chicago: Serindia Publications, 2004, pp.139, 141 Stein, Marc Aurel. Serindia: detailed report of explorations in Central Asia and westernmost China. Oxford: Clarendon, 1921, vol. 1, p.99 |