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巴比伦、印度、中国、埃及和罗马, 谁是那个时期最兴隆的帝国

2023-2-3 16:35| 发布者: fuwanbiao| 查看: 163| 评论: 0

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简介:Were Greek and Roman empires the most advanced ones for its time, were or Babylon, India, China, Egypt, etc. more advanced than them?希腊和罗马帝国是那个时期最兴隆的帝国吗?抑或巴比伦、印度、中国、埃 ...

Were Greek and Roman empires the most advanced ones for its time, were or Babylon, India, China, Egypt, etc. more advanced than them?



来源: /46093.html 译者:Joyceliu

Michel Juneau, Sanskritist, student of history

If we consider the classical period, say 500 BCE to 500 CE (where CE = common era = AD), India was more advanced in many fields, such as mathematics – including the invention of ‘Arabic’ numerals and zero -, grammar and phonetics, astronomy, botany, logical inference, metallurgy – steel for blades, smelting of zinc -, banking and mass production of cloth exports manufactured using various printing processes. Rome was ahead in architecture and engineering – bridges, aqueducts and public buildings, water wheels, road building – as well as military technology and organisation.

假如我们思索到是古典时期公元前500年到公元500年(CE =公历纪元=公元),印度在许多范畴更为兴隆,如数学——包含阿拉伯数字和零的发明,语法和语音学、天文学、植物学、逻辑推理、冶金-钢叶片、冶炼锌、银行业和大范围消费服装出口,运用多种印刷工艺。罗马在建筑和工程方面抢先——好比桥梁、沟渠和公共建筑、水轮、公路树立——以及军事技术和统治机构。


巴比伦、印度、中国、埃及和罗马, 谁是那个时期最兴隆的帝国

India had advanced stoneworking techniques, but did not use them to build arches, which had been known in the Middle East since great antiquity – the earliest surviving example is the Bronze Age arched Canaanite city gate of Ashkelon in modern-day Israel, dating to c. 1850 BCE – but not used much except by Romans until the Arabs and Persians picked up on them. In Mesopotamia they were mostly used for drains back then.

印度有先进的石料加工技术,但没有运用它们来建造拱门,这在中东自古就为人所知——现存最早的例子是青铜时期的拱形迦南城门,在今天的以色列,可追溯到公元前1850年- – -但在阿拉伯人和波斯人留意到他们之前,罗马人很少运用它。在美索不达米亚,当时石头主要用于排水沟。

But then in 350 CE, the Sassanian emperor built a magnificent catenary vault to cover the audience chamber in his new new palace at Ctesiphon. The catenary vault mimics the shape of a hanging chain (Latin catena) but upside down, and requires no buttressing, which is why it is still standing. This was apparently first used in this building, not in Rome. (The catenary arch was later used by Christopher Wren in St. Paul’s Cathedral, and is used in the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona.)


Indians kept building temples this way even after the Muslim invaders came building their domed mosques, until this day. The point of the Indian temple was not to shelter people. All the interior space needed was enough to house one or more murtis, and to allow a few pandits to make offerings. The point of the temple was to provide an ostentatious outwards display, to communicate various things, local history, legends, etc, in the various decorations, and to let the deity know that those who paid for this really, really appreciate his or her support. So there was no real reason to adopt the true arch and dome for monumental architecture.


This is a temple ‘shikhara’ with corbelled construction.


I also provide a picture of the Mahabodhi Buddhist temple, which has a true dome, below. I am sure that you will agree that Indian temple building did not really need the true dome.


This experience supports the answer given by Robert Maxwell. Societies develop technology that they need to fit within the social and economic framework.

这个阅历支持Robert Maxwell给出的答案。社会展开他们需求的技术以顺应社会和经济。

It is worth pointing out that stone arches were used in China in ancient times, the oldest surviving example Being the Anji Bridge dating from around 600 CE. This is not a rudimentary arch. On the contrary it is a fairly sophisticated open-spandrel segmental arch bridge built entirely of stone. The basic principle of the open-spandrel segmental arch bridge ways applied in Hadrian’s Bridge over the Danube built from 103 to 105 CE by Apollodorus of Damascus, but he used timber arches, each spanning 38 metres.


This style of timber arches on stone bases has been much used in the Far East since. To me it seems that a stone bridge might be fine in the dry Mediterranean with its small streams, but would have been prohibitively expensive spanning the mighty Danube, especially as great rivers have a tendency to wash out bridges as the Danube did Hadrian’s bridge a few decades later, and as has been the fate of a great many bridges in China over the years.


Here is a beautiful example of a open-spandrel segmental timber arch bridge from Japan: the Kintai Bridge in Yamaguchi Prefecture, built in 1673. The pic shows one pier and the underside of the arch.


Interestingly, the principle of the true arch was independently invented in pre-Colombian Meso-America, as well as by the Inuit (‘Eskimos’) in the humble igloo.


Robert Maxwell

There’s no real way to say, since “technological advancement” doesn’t have a hard definition or a measuring stick and especially since “advanced” is dependent entirely upon the outlook of the society in question.


As an example, let’s take architecture. The Romans, of course, were extremely advanced for their time in the art of stonework architecture. The Chinese don’t, at first glance, appear to be. On the surface, this looks like a slam dunk: the Romans were more advanced than the Chinese when it comes to architecture.


But it doesn’t work this way. The Chinese didn’t build stone buildings like the Romans did. It just wasn’t in their architectural repertoire, even when they obviously had the engineering expertise to learn how to do it. Their buildings tended toward using stone for load-bearing and walls, not in massive colonnades.


The Chinese architectural corpus, however, shows an extremely sophisticated engineering technique for their own style and preferences. Chinese engineers probably couldn’t have built the Pantheon, but Roman engineers would probably have had just as much trouble building, say, some of the more elaborate, larger temples and Imperial halls: they required extremely complicated architectural techniques that the Romans just didn’t, so far as I know, develop. So it’s hard to compare because the architectural repertoires of the two were so incredibly variable that it’s best to look at the differences as a difference in style and engineering tradition than anything to do with actual engineering prowess.


The Romans and the Chinese were also extremely advanced in their own fields when it came to their products: Chinese silk and, later, porcelain, were the product of master artisans, dyers, tailors, and potters. On the other hand, the Romans were extremely well-known for their facility in glass: so far as we’re able to gather, Roman glass was extremely popular in Han-era China. The Chinese didn’t produce high-quality glass, but Rome, similarly, didn’t produce high-end porcelain. Again, it’s a question of specialization and the development of artisanal traditions more than a question of general advancedment.


Social and political systems followed the same tack: the Chinese developed their systems along the lines of their own indigenous extended conversations in philosophy, as did the Romans. The conclusions and results of these discussions were widely variant at times, but that’s simply because they followed a different train of thought based on differing axioms, not because one was more advanced than the other.


So it’s a question of difference, not advancement.


On the other hand, some of the choices in the question were a bit odd. The Babylonians, for example, were far from contemporaries with the Romans: Babylon reached its first apogee some thousand years before the foundation of Rome, and a second peak during the very early Roman Republic. Egypt, meanwhile, went from a series of indigenous and foreign dynasties, to conquest by the Persians, then by Alexander, and finally the Ptolemaic Kingdom. Which Egypt are we talking about here, then?


Contemporary with the full, Augustinian Roman Empire, of course, would be the presence of an advanced Egypt… as a province of Rome.


To confuse things even more, there wasn’t really a Greek Empire—at least, by some nomenclatures, not until the Byzantines. There was a shortlived Kingdom of Macedon that ruled over the old Achaemenid Empire, but that shattered after Alexander’s death, leaving us with, among other… the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt.


So it’s hard to really say, based on the question, since a lot of the choices are either incredibly vague (India? Which Indian state? Which Chinese dynasty?) are totally non-contemporaneous with the others (Babylon, Dynastic Egypt), or don’t really fit into a more-advanced-less-advanced framework.


Ollie Phelan, works at Self-Employment

Yes , Definitely .


Its just simply that we adopted the culture of the Renaissance , which was a rebirth of Greek and Roman culture .


The West also adopted what was basically a Roman system of government – Senate and Congress rather than Kings .


At the time there was very little knowledge of Indian and Chinese philosophy + literature in Europe that far surpassed the philosophy of Greeks and Romans .


The Crusades and Marco Polo opened all that up .


And it was Arabic Libraries that had copies of Greek Mathematicians and Philosophers that revolutionised European thinking .


So it was basically from (what we might call Babylon / Arabic) that the Renaissance was enabled .


But its only now that the full weight of Chines /Japanese philosophy is hitting Europe .


Even Zen practice has been scientifically proven to be more restful than sleep (X 3 times more)


And is even incorporated into Psycho-therapy


More time has elapsed between the building of the Pyramids to Caesar and Cleopatra , than between Caesar and the moon-landings


Peter Thomson, former retired intelligence analyst, trained in history

Robert Maxwell put it best. But I can expand a little. In technology, China was well ahead of the Mediterranean in metallurgy, pottery and irrigation until late medieval times. India (and earlier Babylon) was ahead in medicine, mathematics and textiles – the latter at least until the C18. Meso-America was ahead of just about everybody in plant domestication.


We are familiar with the classical philosophical tradition, so tend to rate that highly. Parallel Chinese thought is hard to translate into the same terms, and much Indian thought has been lost, so it’s difficult to compare. We do know the western tradition draws on Muslim as well as classical learning, and Muslim learning in turn draws on the ancient Near East. We’ll be able to compare better in a century or so, when more study has been done.


China certainly evolved a technology of politics that enabled stable rule of much larger areas than Rome could envisage – some of it transferred to Europe from the C17 (meritocratic examination, forms of bureaucracy).


Other than that, well is a camel better than a yak? Depends if you’re in a desert or on a mountain.


William Uchtman, Writer at Writers and Authors (1986-present)

First off, the Greeks and Romans despite the overlap in them were two different cultures. The Greeks gave us stuff like democracy, cartography, early versions of devices like the alarm clock, geometry, philosophy, algebra and astronomy.


The Romans gave us architecture, the beginning of interior plumbing, roads, the Julian calendar, Roman numbers, the earliest books and a calendar.


Thomas Musselman

You can compare dates empires were at peak likely populations or maximum square miles under occupation. But “advanced” is tricky. Some prefer to estimate “dynamism” which is little better. Can any place be advanced if it enslaves? If women are subservient? If it tortures, maims, rapes with abandon?


You really have to specify your interest and then look. If waterworks you can compare irrigation methods, pumps, aqueducts. Etc.


Also is “India” Harappa? Is “China” “China” if just one small kingdom? Egypt was little changed over time; Mesopotamia was invaded and ruled by outsiders often; when it was was it “Persia”?


Martin Freeman

It depends very much on what you mean.

Architecturally advanced? The Greeks and Romans.

Militarily advanced? The Greeks and Romans.

Intellectually advanced? The Greeks and Romans.

Artistically advanced? The Greeks and Romans.

So as you can see, it all depends on what you mean by “advanced.”







Gwydion Madawc Williams, A lot of reading of popular histories

Babylon and Egypt had both lost their independence before the rise of Alexander the Great. They had ceased to be independent powers.

China under the Qin and Han dynasties were probably more powerful than the overlapping Greek and Roman Empires. The Han drove out nomads often identified with the Huns who did so much to weaken Rome.



Rakesh Choudhary, Physicist, Cosmologist, Biologist, mathematician (2015-present)

In knowledge romans and Greek were very advanced but in architecture india, china and egypt were advanced.



Of course they were. In fact, Greek Civilisation has become the civilisation of the whole World.


There is practically nothing the Greeks did not think about. Any field you care to consider the Greeks were ahead; literature, art, math, geometry, architecture, the Olympics, philosophy (which means the use of Reason to understand the material and psychological world). This was possible because the Greeks “cut their gods down to size”, no all powerful magical god for the Greeks. No God who tells people how to live without reasoning, without pushing the envelope, beyond the static following of the Holy Books.


In fact, Greek thinking was forbidden when the Roman Emperor Constantin made the seductive (but obviously not rational) Jewish-Christian God the God of the Empire.


At that point the use of Reason to understand everything stopped, until the Renaissance, when the Europeans reconnected with Greek Thought and pushed Judeo-Christianity back.


Remember also Greeks invented democracy, which means the people choose the rulers and humans make the laws, no God laws, no priests interpreting God, no divine kings.


Until the Northern Europeans, the French and the Anglo Saxons were able to recreate democracy, a few centuries ago, the whole World was submerged in dictator hell by despots, absolute kings or dictatorial priests.


In fact, even now, the only modern democracy that comes close to Greek direct democracy is Switzerland.


Practically the whole World is far behind the Ancient Greeks and have no democracy at all.


Even great cultures like China are not able to master democracy yet.


Remember too the Ancient Jews, another accomplished culture, were goat keepers when the Greeks had theater, the Olympics, philosophy, democracy, etc.


Remember too Greeks were not ashamed of the human body; athletes competed naked. Right now nowhere is that possible, even in the West. As you know, in Moslem countries women have to hide body and face. Strict Christians and Jews have to “dress modestly”. I mean, it is rational to cover ourselves in most situations, but to make women cover their faces and hide the shape of their bodies is rejecting that the human body has dignity. Irrational.


Of course, Modern Greeks are still far behind Ancient Greeks. They do not like to admit it, precisely because they have not remastered the use of Reason to figure out why. They are stuck looking at the Acropolis and feel inferior to their ancestors.


Vageesh Vaidvan, Historian

Simply no!!! There were several civilizations much more advanced than Greeks much before Greek even knew what is civilization. Pyramids were standing there on the face of earth much before that. There were several other civilizations in Asia much before what is known as ancient history of Greeks. Chinese, Indian (Indus Valley), Sumeru (Middle East) , Persians to name few. It is due to western obsession with Greek and Romans during renaissance (15th and 16th Century AD), where they looked for inspiration and glory that Greeks are portrayed as most advanced civilization in some quarters. Today’s world dominance by European countries and the countries populated by migrants from Europe (US, Brazil, Canada, Australia etc.) help to carry this perception.

没有! ! !在希腊人知道什么是文化之前,有几个文化比希腊人先进得多。在此之前,金字塔就矗立在地球名义。在被称为希腊古代史之前,亚洲还有过其他几个文化。中国、印度(印度河流域)、苏美鲁(中东)、波斯人等等。这是由于西方在文艺复兴时期(公元15和16世纪)对希腊和罗马人的痴迷,他们在那里寻觅灵感和光彩,希腊人在某些方面被描画成最先进的文化。往常,欧洲国度和欧洲(美国、巴西、加拿大、澳大利亚等)移民的国度在世界上的主导位置,滋长了这种见地。

Konstantinos Sfoungaris, works at Ecole Normale Supérieure De Cachan

Definitely yes. First let’s precise a few things though. The ancient Greeks have been around from 2000 BC and the term ‘ancient’ is used until circa 300 AD when the emperor Constantine transferred the capital of the Roman Empire to Constantinople. Arguably, Greeks and Romans form a civilisation continuum, with every major accomplishment being finally integrated within the political entity we call Roman Empire.


Greeks did not only have advanced science, but created the notion of science altogether; reason and proof were just unknown to mankind before maybe 600 BC.


Some like to compare a civilisation’s mightiness by some inventions or by some structures. The thing is though that Greeks enjoyed intricate structures and placed them with a direct connection to their societies. What’s majorly ignored as well is that structures such as the lighthouse of Pharos, Alexandria, were demolished (yet it was the tallest building to have stood for about a millennium after, aside from Khufu’s pyramid-which, from a mechanistic point of view, is just a pile of rocks).


Another thing that’s totally not taken into account is the economy, the trade, and so on. The Greeks maintained a far greater GDP per capita than any other civilisation (except for the Romans during the imperial times) and were capable of things like tourism (i.e. Olympics).


Closing, Greek civilisation just did not die out as many other ancient ‘mega-civilisations’ did. It just continues on to this day.


Quora User, Irish

If we’re talking about the ancient world, the Egyptians were the most “advanced” in terms of an entire civilization. However, the ancient Greeks were the most “advanced”, in terms of science, math, philosophy, etc. Western Civilization is built on what the ancient Greeks achieved in math, science, and philosophy and the ancient Greeks were an authority on many different forms of science, math, and philosophy, until just a couple centuries ago. The ancient Greeks were unrivaled in the ancient world, in terms of math, science, and philosophy.






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