澳门东方典藏拍卖目前是世界著名艺术品拍卖行之一,拍品汇集来自全球各地的珍罕艺术品、瓷器、杂项和奢侈品等精品。假如你有好的藏品要出手、或者要审定的,我们能够交流下项总13169636622 精品推薦 (Recommended Products) 此青花莲池鸳鸯纹梅瓶,胎质洁白细密,青花呈色稳定,白釉纯真,透明度极高,青花系用进口苏泥勃青料。无盖,小口,口沿平厚,颈短而细,平肩,肩以下收敛,胫部瘦长,近底部外撇,平底。外型端庄挺秀,腹部上下有两道明显的接胎痕,腹部绘“鸳鸯鱼池缠枝花卉纹”图。整个梅瓶装饰繁缛,纹饰带规划疏密有致,是元末明初青花瓷器中的精粹之作。 从国际艺术品市场的过往经验和延展趋向来判别,此“青花莲池鸳鸯纹梅瓶”未来升值空间很大。该藏品将会出往常澳门第四届艺术品展览会及澳门东方典藏拍卖会,欢送宽广藏友莅临鉴赏。 This blue flower lotus pond is a mandarin duck, with fine white and fine quality. The blue and white flowers are stable, pure and transparent, and the blue and white flowers are imported. No cover, small mouth, wide mouth, short and fine neck, flat shoulder, lower shoulder, slender, close to bottom, flat bottom. The shape is graceful and elegant, there are two obvious marks on the abdomen, the belly painting "yuyang fish pond flower pattern". The whole plum vase is decorated with elaborate decoration, and it is a quintessence of blue and white porcelain in the late Ming and early Ming dynasty. Judging from the past experience and development trend of the international art market, the future appreciation space is very large. The collection will be held at the 4th art fair in macau and the auction of Macao Oriental classic. |