从目前所有的公开新闻来看台积电的三纳米制程目前的在建产能,只有3万片每月,本来应该是苹果和英特尔,各自预定3万片每月的产能,但英特尔那边由于GPU实在太拉垮,所以咕咕咕了。这个产能是什么概念呢?我们可以简单算一下,一片晶圆是70000平方毫米,苹果手机芯片面积大概是100平方毫米,考虑到良率和切割问题,一片晶圆大概能切500-600片出来,也就是说一个月产能大概是1500-1800万片,一年大概是1.8-2.2亿片产能——基本跟苹果销量一致,只有一点剩余的空闲产能能留给第三方厂商。苹果会拿来做什么?A17和恐怖的M3 MaxA17算是例行升级,毕竟这两年台积电的N5系列停了很久了。但M3 Max的规格有点夸张:4个M3,加起来40核。如果按M1的规格来看,M3的面积大概也会保持120平方毫米,那么M3 Max总面积接近500平方毫米,大概会集成超过1000亿个晶体管。作为对比,Nvidia家的4090裸片面积为608平方毫米,有763亿个晶体管Apple will use the chips manufactured through TSMC's 3nm process in 2023. Apple chips based on TSMC's 3nm process will be used for the iPhone, iPad, as well asMacs. What users can expect is improved performance and better battery life due to the less power-hungry nature of the chips. Apple's M3 chips for Macs are rumored to have up tofour dieswhich will allow up to a 40-core CPU. In contrast, the M1 chip only features an 8-core CPU while the M1 Pro and M1Max chip feature a 10-core CPU.