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法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

2022-12-31 22:40| 发布者: 挖安琥| 查看: 98| 评论: 0

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简介:|本文约1600字,全文阅读20分钟 |留意:本文文字、图片仅供学习交流,严禁商用| 本文源自FDC面料图书馆(ID:fdcfabric)Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝是以法国城市Chantilly尚蒂伊命名的,这种手工制造的蕾丝传统从17 ...



| 本文源自FDC面料图书馆(ID:fdcfabric)

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝是以法国城市Chantilly尚蒂伊命名的,这种手工制造的蕾丝传统从17世纪就开端了,固然出名于世是在18世纪。固然以尚蒂伊来命名,其实大部分蕾丝产于法国的贝叶和比利时的Geraardsbergen。

Chantilly lace is a handmade bobbin lace named after the city of Chantilly,France, in a tradition dating from the 17th century,though the most famous are silk laces introduced in the 18th century. Though called Chantilly lace, most of the lace bearing this name was actually made in Bayeux in France and Geraardsbergen, now in Belgium.

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

Ephemeral Elegance Chantilly Lace Ball Gown, ca. 1868

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

Antique Civil War Era Black Silk French Chantilly Lace Pagoda Sleeve Jacket, 1860's

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

Chantilly Lace and Tulle Gown, ca. 1905

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

mid 19th century, French, Chantilly silk bobbin lace

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

Chantilly lace is known for its fine ground, outlined pattern,and abundant detail.The pattern is outlined in cordonnet, a flat untwisted strand.The best Chantilly laces were made of silk, and were generally black,which made them suitable for mourning wear.


法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

White Chantilly lace was also made, both in linen and silk,though most Chantilly laces were made of silk.The black silk Chantilly lace became especially popular,and there was a large market for it in Spain and the Americas. Chantilly and the Spanish laces (such as blonde lace) were the most popular black laces.


法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

I.D. Sarrieri La Robe Noire Chantilly lace bodysuit

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

1950s Brown Tulle Chantilly Lace Cocktail Dress 1

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

1915 Cocktail Dress Chantilly Lace

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

Another notable thing about Chantilly lace is the use of a half-and-whole stitch as a fill to achieve the effect of light and shadow in the pattern,which was generally of flowers. The background, or réseau, was in the form of a six pointed star,and was made of the same thread as the pattern, unlike the otherwise similar blonde lace.The lace was produced in strips approximately four inches wide, and then joined with a stitch that left no visible seam.


法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

Anne Geneviève de Bourbon (28 August 1619 – 5 April 1679) was a French princess who is remembered for her beauty and amours, her influence during the civil wars of the Fronde, and her final conversion to Jansenism.

安妮·吉纳维芙·波旁(1619年8月28日 - 1679年4月5日)是一位法国公主,由于她的美貌,她在弗隆德内战中的影响力以及她最终转变为詹森主义而被铭记。



In the 17th century, the Duchesse de Longueville organised the manufacture of lace at Chantilly.It has been produced from then until the present day. It became popular because of the duchesse's patronage and Chantilly's proximity to Paris and came into fashion again during the reigns of Louis XV and Louis XVI.

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

It was a special favorite of Louis XV's last mistress, Mme du Barry, and of Marie Antoinette.When the French Revolution began in 1789, demand for the lace ceased. The lace-makers were seen as protégés of the royals, and after Mme du Barry and Marie Antoinette were guillotined in 1793, the lace-makers of Chantilly were themselves killed.At this point production ceased.


法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

让娜·贝库,杜巴利伯爵夫人(法语:Jeanne Bécu, Comtesse du Barry,1743年8月19日-1793年12月8日)法王路易十五的情妇,也是恐惧统治时期中最知名的受害者之一。

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

Napoleon I sponsored a revival of Chantilly lace between the years 1804 and 1815.At this point production was concentrated in Normandy, mainly around the Bayeux area. While it was no longer being made in Chantilly, all of the old techniques and designs were used.Chantilly lace reached the height of its popularity around 1830 and was revived again in the 1860s, at which point it was made at Bayeux as well as at Geraardsbergen, in Belgium.



法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

1880 chantilly lace and silk velvet shawl

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

1940's Black Chantilly Lace Illusion Bodice Dress

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

Dovima in black Chantilly lace and pure silk taffeta dress by Seymour Jacobson, Vogue, November 1, 1952

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

1958 Suzy Parker in a black Chantilly lace dress

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

法国17世纪开端消费的经典蕾丝,Chantilly lace 尚蒂伊蕾丝

This chantilly lace **Marchesa** gown features a bugle beaded corset and a fishtail skirt with tulle inserts at the hem.

课程称号: 高级定制服装设计精品课程(第17期)


课程内容:本课程为6-8人小班教学。同窗们经过近三个月的学习,将系统地学习服装设计、颜色原理与构成、服饰搭配、 服装面料、西方高级定制品牌历史与文化、男装与女装结构、服装手绘与电脑效果、平面制版制造、平面截剪、商业营销等内容,同时会前往不同类型的工作室参观学习、与创业者中止对话。





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