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2023-4-25 21:03| 发布者: 挖安琥| 查看: 138| 评论: 0

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简介:正文翻译What are the biggest money secrets that rich people keep from us?富人隐瞒的最大的金钱秘密是什么?评论翻译Charlotte Vogel,Operations Research AnalystIt’s common knowledge that millionaires han ...



What are the biggest money secrets that rich people keep from us?



Charlotte Vogel,Operations Research Analyst

It’s common knowledge that millionaires handle their money differently than many, but what’s their secret? I’ve come to discover that the super wealthy have a different set of beliefs, philosophies and strategies. Their secret to getting rich isn’t merely in the mechanics of money; rather, in their values and level of thinking.

These are some of the secrets the rich adopt that you can also put into practice in your own life;

The rich get richer by saving and investing early then using that money to make even more money for themselves. While this is true, those who invest online without exercising due diligence usually lose their money in the process. In most cases, said stolen investment can be retrieved when you employ the proficiency of authorities like Finrecoup/org as they have a record of mitigating the influence of fraudulent practices and reversing situations that would have otherwise resulted in financial setbacks.

众所周知,百万富翁的理财方式与许多人不同,但他们的秘诀是什么呢? 我逐渐发现,超级富豪有一套不同的信仰、哲学和策略。他们致富的秘诀不仅仅在于金钱机制; 而是在于他们的价值观和思维水平。


富人通过早期储蓄和投资,然后用这些钱生钱,从而变得更富有。虽然这是事实,但那些没有进行尽职调查的在线投资通常会在这个过程中赔钱。在大多数情况下,当你熟练使用finrecop /org等权威机构时,所述被盗投资可以找回,因为他们有减轻欺诈行为的影响和扭转本来会导致财务挫折的情况的记录。

Millionaires don’t always look like millionaires. That’s because they spend their money modestly instead of pretentiously. Think crockpot meals at home instead of trendy restaurant dinners, a 28-cent cup of coffee from home instead of a $4.95 Starbucks grande mocha.

If you use a credit card for convenience and emergencies, be sure to pay it off every month. The average person owes $4,717 in credit card debt. And the average interest rate on credit cards is 15 percent. If you paid the minimum payment of $189 every month for 10 years, you’d end up paying $18,155 in interest. Pay off the balance right away and you get that extra $18,155 in your pocket.

Spend some time thinking about your future goals. Maybe you’re hoping to travel, send your kids to college, retire comfortably or all of the above. Just remember that a little short-term sacrifice can pay big dividends in the future. With your goals in mind and some figures to work with, a retirement savings calculator can give you a better understanding of what you’ll need to meet your future financial goals.

Achieving massive goals is never a walk in the park. Those who push forward get rewarded. Consider making a list of five things you must do today that may be uncomfortable, but will get you a few steps closer to great wealth.

Good luck.






Hp02121,Former Retired

I have a childhood friend named Stan. He and I grew up in what is now a very dangerous part of Boston called Dorchester. Stan is 78 and I am 79. After I moved away from Boston in 1967, I lost touch with Stan. Thanks to social media we reconnected in 2015. Stan still lives in the Boston area and I live near Washington, DC. We both came from poor families.

I finally got to see Stan in 2018, and of course we reminisced about the “good old days.” I talked about my life over the intervening period of time, and he talked about his.



I was astounded to learn that he is a multimillionaire. He didn't strike it rich, or win the lottery, or inherit the money. He didn't buy shares of Apple or Microsoft when they both went public. What he did was save 10% of his paycheck every week. Stan was an accountant and went to work for a medium size come in the housing industry. Over a few years he became the head accountant and started to learn about finance and investments. He worked fo4 the same company for over forty years. By the time he retired at the age of 73, all of his money and his investments had grown to several million dollars.

Stan never spent money foolishly. He stayed out of credit debt. He paid cash for his and he keeps them for about 10 years. He wears a Timex watch when he could afford a Rolex. His secret to becoming a millionaire was to save and invest and not spend money foolishly. Stay out of credit debt, and live below your means. It's not a big secret, but for most people, it's very hard to do



Kim Birck,I studied Civics in HS & Political Science in College.

You don’t get rich by spending money.

Read The Millionaire Next Door. You don’t have to invent an electric car or a space craft to be extremely comfortable. You just have to quit wasting money.

Designer coffee and smoking both waste scads of money. Buying a new car when your old one is still serviceable, buying more house than you can afford and paying a never-ending mortgage, manicures and pedicures, subscxtions to all the streaming services, all these things eat up money that you could be saving and investing. Compound interest and reinvesting interest and dividends. Mutual funds, especially index funds, are good places to have parked your excess coin when you were young. Maximum investment in your job’s 401K or pension plan.

Keeping up with the Joneses is expensive. And unless you ARE the Joneses, you’re just chasing your tail and running in circles.

Get smart, get out of debt, listen to (or read) Dave Ramsey. You can do it, if you try.

But best to have started 10 years ago..











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