更多招聘信息 关注500强校园招聘 ▼ Armani阿玛尼 |【Armani阿玛尼】| | 美妆PM团队实习生招聘 | 岗位职责 1. Assist to collect data, analyze and follow up for routine tracking, e.g. sales performance, trend of key competitor, progress update of special events. 2. Deal with the daily operational tasks, e.g. internal delivery, PO order, material code creation. 3. Implement, monitor and improve processes to link all marketing activities with the activities of the retail team. 4. Support daily work of Trade marketing, Customer relationship management and Public relationship. 岗位请求 1. Be able to work at least 4 days per week for the duration of 6 months. 2. Excel, PPT, Word (especially Excel, e.g. vlookup, pivot table). 3. Good written and oral English skills. 4. Major unlimited. 5. Opened minded & logical thinking & good communication skill. 6. Diligent & hard working & team work spirit. 7. Love to take challenges and be good at multi-task & problem solving. 薪酬福利 1. Payment: 190RMB/Day. 2. Free coffee & tea. 3. Sometimes enjoy family sales with employee prices. 4. Downtown location with convenient transportation. 工作地点 Park Place, 1601 West Nanjing Road, Jing‘an District, Shanghai 报名方式:请将个人简历投递至邮箱 Alvin.liu@loreal.com 并抄送至邮箱 joyce.huang@loreal.com 简历及邮件题目:姓名+学校+专业+可开端实习日期 你还可能感兴味的内容 (点击文章题目即可) ▼ ● 日常实习群&寒假实习群 | 群内日常专属提示!简历模板、ins风PPT各种福利免费发! ●我用3分钟,骗光了一个女大学生 阿灿引荐 2023年暑假实习 大家需求的话就进群吧 进群方式 在「500强实习」后台 回复关键词【暑期实习】进群 群内福利 「暑期实习每日提示」 「日常实习专属提示」 「知名企业 内推」 「5哥5姐 回答同窗们的疑问」 |