小佛爷说 在日益“迂回”的职业生活中,人们愈加频繁、流利地转换角色,并朝着不同的方向展开,遗忘、学习和重新学习的才干关于长期的胜利至关重要。它有助于我们更好地准备迎接变更带来的机遇,以及更好地应对未来不可避免的应战。具有顺应性和主动性的学习者是组织十分看重的资产,投资于学习能够为我们的职业展开带来长期的回报。本文作者提出了一些技巧和工具,以辅佐你使学习成为日常生活的一部分。 学习才干正在成为我们职业生活中的硬通货。之前,我们在工作中学习如何做好一份工作;往常,我们的工作则是学习自身。顺应才干强、积极主动的学习者是组织的可贵财富。并且,当我们对学习中止投资时,我们就为自己的职业展开发明了长期的红利。 领英的开创人雷德·霍夫曼说,他会寻觅那些具有“无限学习曲线”的人: 那些不时学习,并能快速学习的人。微软首席执行官萨蒂亚·纳德拉重申了学习的重要性,他说: “无所不学总是比无所不知要好。” 但是,学习才干并不只仅是获取新学问那么简单。在我们日益“迂回”的职业生活中,人们会更频繁、更流利地转换角色,并朝着不同的方向展开。因而,忘却、学习和再学习的才干对长期胜利而言至关重要。我们曾为全球超越5万人设计和提供职业展开培训,积聚了丰厚的阅历。基于这些阅历,我们与包含维珍、分离利华和微软在内的组织协作,肯定了几种技术和工具,这些工具能够辅佐你将学习作为日常展开的一部分。 学习 由于我们在日常工作中破费了大量的时间、肉体和努力,所以工作为我们提供了最重要的学习机遇。应战在于,我们并未刻意在日常展开中投入更多肉体——我们总是忙于完成日常事务性的工作,没有任何多余的时间留给其他事情。这种做法把自我展开的问题放在了职业规划中次一级的位置上,是一种极具风险性的职业展开战略。由于它降低了我们对周围发作的变更的顺应才干和反响才干。我们有三种措施能够让你在工作中控制学习的主动权。 向他人学习。你周围的人是学问的重要来源。你能够创建一个多元化的学习社区,这个社区能够为你提供新的视角,并降低你自我设限的风险。你能够设定一个目的,好比每个月和一个你从未见过的人一同喝一杯咖啡,一同小谈片刻,无论是在网上还是当面。这个人能够是来自不同部门的同事,他能够辅佐你重新的角度看待公司;也能够是来自另一家公司,但与你处在同一行业的人,他能够拓宽你的学问面。你还能够在每次说话终了时问对方这样一个问题,以此来进一步拓展你的猎奇心:“你觉得还有谁对我有用,能够联络吗?”这不只为你发明了树立新关系的机遇,而且你还可能受益于他人的直接引见。 英文原版 Our capacity for learning is becoming the currency we trade on in our careers. Where we once went to work to learn to do a job, learning now isthe job. Adaptive and proactive learners are highly prized assets for organizations, and when we invest in our learning, we create long-term dividends for our career development. Reid Hoffman, the founder of LinkedIn, shared that when assessing founders of potential investments, he looks for individuals who have an “infinite learning curve”: someone who is constantly learning, and quickly. Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft, echoed the importance of learning when he said, “The learn-it-all will always do better than the know-it all.” However, it’s not as simple as acquiring new knowledge. In our increasingly “squiggly” careers, where people change roles more frequently and fluidly and develop in different directions, the ability to unlearn, learn, and relearn is vital for long-term success. Based on our experience designing and delivering career development training for over 50,000 people worldwide, working with organizations including Virgin, Unilever, and Microsoft, we’ve identified several techniques and tools to help you make learning part of your day-to-day development. Learning Since we spend so much of our time, energy, and efforts at our day jobs, they provide the most significant opportunities for learning. The challenge is that we don’t invest intentionally in everyday development — we’re so busy with tasks and getting the job done that there’s no space left for anything else. Deprioritizing our development is a risky career strategy because it reduces our resilience and ability to respond to the changes happening around us. Here are three ways to take ownership of your learning at work. Learn from others.The people you spend time with are a significant source of knowledge. Creating a diverse learning community will offer you new perspectives and reduce the risk that you’ll end up in an echo chamber. Set a goal of having one curiosity coffee each month, virtually or in person, with someone you haven’t met before. This could be someone in a different department who could help you view your organization through a new lens or someone in your profession at another company who could broaden your knowledge. You can extend your curiosity even further by ending each conversation with the question: “Is there anyone else you think it would be useful for me to connect with?” Not only does this create the chance for new connections, but you might also benefit from a direct introduction. ↓ 海伦·塔珀(Helen Tupper)、萨拉·埃利斯(Sarah Ellis)|文 海伦·塔珀是Amazing If公司的分离开创人兼首席执行官,这家公司的目的是让每个人的职业生活都变得更好。在兴办Amazing If之前,她曾在微软、维珍和英国石油公司担任过指导职务。萨拉·埃利斯是Amazing If公司的分离开创人兼首席执行官。在兴办Amazing If之前,她曾在巴克莱银行和森宝利担任过指导职务。 张振涛|译 周强|编校 引荐阅读 假如你想脱颖而出,选择一两种最合适你自己的特质,然后将其运用到实践工作中以孜孜进取。 每个人都会遭遇中年危机。一切阅历过的人都会被打击到,即便是那些工作最充实的人。那些深陷其中的人该如何解脱困境? 《哈佛商业评论》联络方式 投稿及内容协作 | zhenminma@hbrchina.org 公众号ID:hbrchinese 长按二维码,订阅属于你的“杰出密码” |